
Brokenness Study impacting small groups!

"I have used the Brokenness study in two small groups. The first time was with a group of women who are mature believers. We used Who's in Charge and then the Brokenness study and they were both excellent. Only one other person in the group had done CTO but that didn't seem to be a problem. Each person was drawn into a deeper relationship with God as they began to recognize sin in their lives and to confess it, and to depend on God's Spirit for victory. It also gave them insight into the CTO discipling process and as a result 2 or 3 of them are considering it in the future."

The next time I used the Brokenness study was with a CTD class with 5 girls who are starting to disciple others. After we completed the CTD material we decided to continue to meet and do the Brokenness study together. It has been excellent in a small group setting, not only for each one of them in their lives, but also to pull out principles they will use as they disciple others. (Kathy)

This study includes topics such as: Walking With God On His Terms, Being Overwhelmed, Thanksgiving and Persevering In Tribulation. A study guide has been added that includes an overview of each study with additional checklists and application guides.

Order God's Call to Brokenness today

@ www.ctoministriies.org/resources

You can be a part of expanding CTO exponentially!!

Live video-conferencing now provides the opportunity for discipling to take place with very few geographical boundaries.
Randy distance discipling
Randy skyping Jeff in Germany!

I personally have utilized live video to disciple and train as close as Prescott, AZ and as far away as Munich, Germany. Although it is not the same as sitting face to face with someone it is very personal and effective, providing a dynamic experience that you do not have with a normal phone call. mic experience that you do not have with a normal phone call.

Don't be intimidated by the technology -- it is very easy to use. Programs like Skype or FaceTime (for mac users) are free and easy!! All you need is a webcam and internet connection. Listen to what some of our disciplers are saying about video discipling:

For us, meeting from camera to camera, mic to mic was almost like having our disciplers in our home. There are a few things you might miss from not actually being together but nothing that hinders influence, impact, or the opportunity to grow in a gospel relationship in any way. (Clark and Tricia)

I like it because it is very focused. Concepts and principles are received the same when skyping as you would in person. (Susan)

Discipling is so much more than taking a course because it offers someone speaking into your life. The things you learn become yours. Since the CTO materials not only prod us to think differently but also live differently, discussing the materials through live video was by no means a knowledge assignment..., I feel the distance discipling was indeed effective. (Jeff)

Would you recommend Distance Discipling?

It is definitely worth giving it a try... it's very rewarding. It might not work for everyone but it has worked well for us. (Bob and Susan).

There is even a distinct advantage to distance discipling because it's actually a lot easier to hold regular appointments. People may not be able to set aside an evening to meet, but to talk on the phone or through video conferencing for a while fits in much easier! (Jeff)

WE NEED YOU!!! We have regular requests from all over the United States from individuals and couples who want to be discipled but there is no one in their area. God wants to use what you have learned to help others!!!

TAKE A 'TEST DRIVE"... if you would like to see how it works, I will set up a personal video conference with you, help you get things set up on your computer and experience it first hand. If you are available to try Distance Discipling, please contact me right away - watch how God will use you to impact lives all around the world!!!

Contact me to "take a test drive"