
DS3 Part 3 Introduction

Part 3                        
The Gospel and Our Relationship With God
Randy profile 1
Every problem you create in your life is the result of a wrong view of God or a wrong view of the gospel. You must lay a new foundation of thinking biblically about God. More than just knowing the facts about Him, you must know Him relationally and experientially.

That is why CTO is based on the truths that God is great, 
gracious, good and glorious

In Part Three: The Gospel and Our Relationship With God you will examine your view of God and establish what is necessary to continue walking with Him in His power with His resources. As you gain understanding of what it means to walk with God on His terms, you will also identify the many perceived rights, which may have become your demands.  Read more here... 
Download the introductions to all three parts of our discipling series by clicking on the titles.

Part One:
The Story of the Gospel

Part Two:
The Implications of the Gospel

Part Three:
The God of the Gospel