
New Training Opportunities

Personalized Seminars/Webinars for your Group
We can provide a personalized webinar for your group of six or more people on a specific topic at your request. By utilizing a computer projector or a large screen TV, specific webinars or training seminars can be provided for your group as a live video conference . Training on a specific issue, any of the CTD Classes or any of the existing webinars can be presented. Contact Randy to set up your specialized video conference training.

Specialized Training For Leaders

Racing Lambs

A specialized approach has been developed and field tested to equip key leaders who desire to implement personal intimate discipling within their church or ministry. The purpose of this specialized discipling process is to "train the trainers" who in turn reproduce biblical discipleship in others. It is crucial to experience the CTO process first hand before you can pass it on to others.

Each leader is personally discipled through a "fast track" which provides the exposure and experience necessary to understand the CTO approach thoroughly enough to effectively disciple another person. Once the first phase of the twelve-session training is completed, the leader is launched into their first discipling relationship. Ongoing support is provided through a personal coach who provides ongoing training through this initial discipling experience. Click here to contact Randy for more info on "Fast Track."


New Translations

Joshua & Missy Saune have requested a translation of CTO
into Quechua, th
e language spoken in the nation of Peru. He is involved with a number of other nations and is in need of translations into their languages as well. They recently held a Marriage Conference for Pastors and their wifes using many of the CTO principles on marriage, forgiveness, etc. Tom and Dennie have visited this area in Peru and would love to return to these precious people!!

UmarFunding has recently been provided to begin a translation into Hausa which will be used by Umar Ado who is energetically discipling pastors and their wives with CTO all over Nigeria. Read more about Umar's Conversion.

The German translation work continues in Munich headed up by Jeff Hands. They currently have Essentials of the Faith, Setting Your Marriage on a Biblical Course and the first 5 Studies from the CTO Manual. The teaching on Forgiveness has been very impactful for the believers in Jeff's church in Munich.

Part One of the Main CTO Manual is complete in Spanish.

New Ministries

God has opened a new door of opportunity for CTO to explore partnering with a couple of different prison ministries. In July, Randy spent two days at Hardee Correctional Center in Florida, training Jason Kent, who has been sentenced to life in prison. God is using Jason in a significant way discipling other inmates with the truths of God’s Word. Both Jason and his parents, Gene and Carol Kent have seen God’s grace in amazing ways in the midst of their unthinkable circumstances, which Carol has shared in three different books. Tom and Dennie recently visited Jason and his parents and discussed how we can serve other families who find themselves in a similar situation. More coming on this opportunity in the near future. Also, see Carol Kent on YouTube.

God has also connected CTO with Alongside Ministries in Phoenix, which works with those both incarcerated and those in their resident facilities helping them become grounded in their relationship with Christ while giving them the life skills necessary to “reenter” society. We are excited about helping this group of people who, for various reasons, are at a hard place in life.

We continue to partner with different churches in helping them establishing both discipling and counseling ministries within their church contexts. We are also in dialogue with a number of ministry organizations who share our values and vision of seeing lives transformed through personal discipleship with discussion about how we could partner together to advance the kingdom.

New Resources

Called to Disciple is in final stages of being updated and reformatted to be more user friendly. We have added a Discipler’s Guide for each of the main CTO lessons, providing a summary of the key principles of that study along with helpful suggestions for the discipler. (This Month’s free Resource: The Discipler’s Guides, Click here.)

Starter's Kit:
To further support you in your discipling relationship, we have developed a “Starter’s Kit” that provides some of the tools available to you. Whether you are new to discipling or have been at it a while, we hope you will find them helpful. The Initial Six Sessions serves as a roadmap that walks you though your first few sessions, giving you step by step instructions on what to discuss, what homework to assign and what resources to use. We also will provide the link to a Webinar on this topic that will give you more thorough details in utilizing this resource.

Also included is a new resource called the “Discipler’s Guides.” This tool provides a summary of each of the main CTO lessons, outlines the key principles of that study with helpful ideas in discussing that particular study with your disciple. This is your “cliff notes” to the studies for you to review prior to each session to help you focus your discussion on the key principles to cover with your disciple. I look forward to hearing how God works in all of your lives as you pursue Him in the context of personal intimate discipleship. Request a sample.

The following tools are included:
The Initial Six Sessions
Direction for Future Sessions
Forgiveness and Confession Checklists
Expanding Forgiveness and Confession Lists
Preparation for a Sexual Confession
Assignment andHomework Sheets
Many of the key Diagrams
The Discipler's Guides to each lesson
Click here.

New studies and a Discussion Guide for small group interaction have been added to the Brokenness Study. This provides a unique opportunity for you to meet as a small group with those you have discipled, maintaining your friendships and continuing to challenge each other to be applying what you have already learned. A few small groups included individuals who had no previous involvement with CTO and found this study practical and effective. Click here.

New Format, New Option

In addition to the existing CTO manual, The Christian: Called to Obedience, a reformated and repackaged edition of those materials has been developed in the Three-Part Discipleship Series: God's Call to Obedience. This option for discipling adds some new studies to all of the existing CTO lessons that focus on three areas: the Gospel and Our relationship With Others, the Gospel and Our Relationship To the Fall and the Gospel and Our Relationship With God. Although in three parts, this series builds from the principles learned in part one through the rest of the series. You still need to eat the whole elephant - it is being served just one bite at a time!!

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Click on picture above to enlarge

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The Path of Demandingness

The following diagram describes the cycle of becoming demanding of God, others and your circumstances. You begin with desires that may be biblical or unbiblical. When you believe that you deserve these desires be met, they quickly become demands, perceived needs or rights. As you look to your circumstances and people to meet these demands you will inevitably be left with disappointment. Then, as you place yourself as the judge over your circumstances, people and even God you become angry, critical, judgmental, negative, fearful and discontent.

This disappointment will soon turn into discouragement. You become self-focused, viewing yourself as a victim or martyr, living in self-pity. You begin blaming God and others for your unmet expectations. Discouragement can eventually lead to sinful depression. You have lost hope of having your perceived needs, rights or demands met, so your anger is turned inward as well.

God’s solution is that you correct your sinful beliefs about what you really deserve. God’s resources are to confess how you have sinfully responded to the impact of your unmet demands, renew your mind concerning your beliefs about what you deserve, relinquish your perceived rights and forgive those who have disappointed you. You can then put your hope in God and trust His sovereign plan and provision for your life.

See also Goals For Biblical Obedience, The Self-Life from “The Controllers”, Letting Christ Satisfy and Fulfill You and “When Rights Are Wrong”.

For a video overview of this please click here.


Recently, we welcomed to our home a most interesting and delightful guest…Umar Ado, a pastor from Nigeria. He had first heard of our ministry while visiting a man in South Carolina in 2006 who was being discipled over the phone by a discipler in Indiana. When Umar saw the CTO manual and heard about intimate discipleship, his immediate response was a great desire to be discipled and trained to reach his country with the application of Biblical truths. Through prayers and funds made available through regular CTO contributors, we were able to see Umar’s dream fulfilled as he spent a month in intensive discipleship. His humble attitude and quick applications of God’s principles brought immediate and significant changes. His month with us was an inspiration as we observed his joyful attitude because he had the privilege to serve his Lord in Nigeria. Not only do he and his family live in great poverty, but also as a former radical Muslim, he lives with the constant reality that his life is in jeopardy. It certainly became a time for our personal “attitude checks” that we in America have been given so much and so little is asked of us.

Umar has returned to his country with the goal of translating CTO into Housa, one of Nigeria’s languages. His wife witnessed such a transformation in him that she asked to be discipled by him, and together they are discipling a pastor who is director of education of large denomination in Nigeria and his wife. Umar is also leading three groups from his church through the Who’s in Charge? studies. This month he is presenting an overview of the CTO ministry to the faculty of a local seminary where he teaches some classes.

Tom & Dennie Patton

The following is Umar’s story in his words:

"The greatest enemy of Islam is Christianity!" My Islamic teacher drilled this idea into my head and heart. As a young 5 year-old boy, I had been given by my family to be schooled in the Koran and Islam. My teachers discovered my abilities, and I was groomed with the intention to someday be a tool to fight Christianity. Little did they know that their plans would result in my eventual conversion to the truth of the Gospel.

I excelled in my studies beyond my peers, and my time to confront Christianity came in 1989. The village elders called me and said, "Umar, this is why the village sent you to school. A visiting pastor with a group of Christians will hold a crusade here to convert us to their religion. We want you to humiliate them and drive them away!" I devised a plan – we would verbally harass the Christians, then douse their cars with gasoline, set them on fire, and beat or kill them in the resulting confusion. By this time I myself had become an imam (teacher of the Muslim faith) and I engaged a group of my students to help carry out the plan. The village even raised enough money to pay off the police to see that our trouble making was not hindered. We headed to the church with a mob of about 5,000 Muslims to surround the small group of 25-30 believers and began our intimidation.

I started to interrupt the preacher with questions intended to embarrass him, but he asked me to let him finish his sermon and then he would answer my questions. I sat and listened to him preach for a while and then our barrage began. I would ask a question, then as the preacher was answering all 5,000 of us would shout "Allahu akbar!" I became so engrossed in the task of trying to confuse the preacher with my questions that I forgot to give the signal to light the fires. At 1 a.m., I finally remembered to give that signal. I raised my fist in the air and waited for the flames, but there was no response. I left the meeting and angrily questioned the three groups of boys who had not carried out my orders.

"Yes, we saw your signal but when we went to strike the matches to light the cars on fire, we could not because there was a great light that shone down from the sky on us”, explained the first group. I was furious! When I questioned the second and third groups, they explained that their arms were literally paralyzed and they could not move to carry out my orders. I chastened the "stupid" boys and intended to return the next night – only this time I would be the one to light the matches and drive them from our village!

That night was the most miserable of my life. I was filled with anger and turmoil as I thought about my confrontation with Christianity and the preacher’s words describing the love of God. I dropped to my knees in tears and confusion and threw out a challenge to this Jesus: "If you are in heaven, reveal your truth to me!" I cried. Could the words of my enemies, the Christians, be true? I was drawn to the Koran and turned to passages that mentioned Jesus as a prophet, but this time I saw them in a new light. It was as if a veil had been lifted from my eyes! I prayed aloud, "Oh Jesus, I promise I will obey whatever you say. This is the TRUTH!" Immediately a PEACE flooded my being and I decided to become a Christian, whatever the cost. I went to bed and slept peacefully.

The next morning, I reconsidered my intention to become a Christian. I knew it would cost me everything I held dear, and I could not turn my back on my Muslim faith and family. Immediately, the peace left me and the inner turmoil and confusion returned. That night, I went back to the meeting as agreed, but this time I listened intently to the message on the grace of God. I became so convicted that I knew I MUST receive Christ. However, my girlfriend literally held my arm to keep me from going forward at the preacher’s invitation, so I waited until the meeting adjourned and the crowd was dispersed.

I excused the rabble-rousers I had brought with me to interrupt the meeting, and at 2 a.m., I went to talk to the preacher who lived in my village. The man was afraid of me and did not believe my intentions were sincere since I had persecuted him and his flock for years. On August 6, 1989, I gave my life to Christ. The Christians who had once called me “the devil” rejoiced and said, "Can God perform this miracle in our time?" That very night, I prepared to begin my new life.

Knowing the Muslims would seek to take my life, the local Christians there took me away from my village and hid me. Over the next several months, amazing events occurred. Indeed, my former Muslim friends and students found me on two separate occasions and tried to kill me, but the Lord intervened. Much hardship fell on those Christians who befriended and protected me, and I was filled with guilt over what my decision had also cost them. The Lord ministered to me greatly in those very early days and He performed miracles to provide for me through His people.

One day I went into a church in another town. Lo and behold, the moment I entered this church my ears were shocked to hear them praying aloud for me by name! I had "just happened" to walk into the church of the same group who visited my village—the very ones I had harassed months before. They had prayed for two hours each Sunday for three months for my conversion and God directed me to them. How we rejoiced and praised God together as they, too, were shocked to learn of my decision to leave Islam and follow Christ. No doubt, it was their prayers that held me firm through those first difficult months.

Although I was very young in the Lord, I desired to go to a Bible School to learn all I could about my new faith so I could return someday to my village and lead my large family to the Savior. I had only the clothes on my back, but Christians gave me a Bible and shared their meager resources with me. The devil was busy trying to discourage me through many difficulties and attempts to take my life, but God was faithful to me. He miraculously provided a way to go to Bible School. It was there I met my wife and the Lord led me into the pastorate, although that was the farthest thing from my mind!

I am presently pastoring a church and am the National Coordinator of Life Challenge Africa Nigeria, training men to reach Muslims with truth and love. My passion is to reach Muslims and encourage Nigerian pastors to apologetically provide cogent and cohesive answers to Muslims seekers. I have received training in Arabic to prepare me for greater outreach. There is an urgent need to contextualize Muslims outreach materials and find appropriate answers to the legitimate questions that Nigerian Muslims are asking. Indeed, Christianity is a "threat" to Islam, but certainly not its "enemy." My testimony is one to attest to the life-changing message of the truth of the Gospel.

Yours in Him,
Rev. Umar Ado
LCAN Coordinator

Click here to request a free DVD of Umar's story & involvement in CTO