Called to Disciple is in final stages of being updated and reformatted to be more user friendly. We have added a Discipler’s Guide for each of the main CTO lessons, providing a summary of the key principles of that study along with helpful suggestions for the discipler. (This Month’s free Resource: The Discipler’s Guides, Click here.)
Also included is a new resource called the “Discipler’s Guides.” This tool provides a summary of each of the main CTO lessons, outlines the key principles of that study with helpful ideas in discussing that particular study with your disciple. This is your “cliff notes” to the studies for you to review prior to each session to help you focus your discussion on the key principles to cover with your disciple. I look forward to hearing how God works in all of your lives as you pursue Him in the context of personal intimate discipleship. Request a sample.
New studies and a Discussion Guide for small group interaction have been added to the Brokenness Study. This provides a unique opportunity for you to meet as a small group with those you have discipled, maintaining your friendships and continuing to challenge each other to be applying what you have already learned. A few small groups included individuals who had no previous involvement with CTO and found this study practical and effective. Click here.
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