
Brokenness Study impacting small groups!

"I have used the Brokenness study in two small groups. The first time was with a group of women who are mature believers. We used Who's in Charge and then the Brokenness study and they were both excellent. Only one other person in the group had done CTO but that didn't seem to be a problem. Each person was drawn into a deeper relationship with God as they began to recognize sin in their lives and to confess it, and to depend on God's Spirit for victory. It also gave them insight into the CTO discipling process and as a result 2 or 3 of them are considering it in the future."

The next time I used the Brokenness study was with a CTD class with 5 girls who are starting to disciple others. After we completed the CTD material we decided to continue to meet and do the Brokenness study together. It has been excellent in a small group setting, not only for each one of them in their lives, but also to pull out principles they will use as they disciple others. (Kathy)

This study includes topics such as: Walking With God On His Terms, Being Overwhelmed, Thanksgiving and Persevering In Tribulation. A study guide has been added that includes an overview of each study with additional checklists and application guides.

Order God's Call to Brokenness today

@ www.ctoministriies.org/resources

You can be a part of expanding CTO exponentially!!

Live video-conferencing now provides the opportunity for discipling to take place with very few geographical boundaries.
Randy distance discipling
Randy skyping Jeff in Germany!

I personally have utilized live video to disciple and train as close as Prescott, AZ and as far away as Munich, Germany. Although it is not the same as sitting face to face with someone it is very personal and effective, providing a dynamic experience that you do not have with a normal phone call. mic experience that you do not have with a normal phone call.

Don't be intimidated by the technology -- it is very easy to use. Programs like Skype or FaceTime (for mac users) are free and easy!! All you need is a webcam and internet connection. Listen to what some of our disciplers are saying about video discipling:

For us, meeting from camera to camera, mic to mic was almost like having our disciplers in our home. There are a few things you might miss from not actually being together but nothing that hinders influence, impact, or the opportunity to grow in a gospel relationship in any way. (Clark and Tricia)

I like it because it is very focused. Concepts and principles are received the same when skyping as you would in person. (Susan)

Discipling is so much more than taking a course because it offers someone speaking into your life. The things you learn become yours. Since the CTO materials not only prod us to think differently but also live differently, discussing the materials through live video was by no means a knowledge assignment..., I feel the distance discipling was indeed effective. (Jeff)

Would you recommend Distance Discipling?

It is definitely worth giving it a try... it's very rewarding. It might not work for everyone but it has worked well for us. (Bob and Susan).

There is even a distinct advantage to distance discipling because it's actually a lot easier to hold regular appointments. People may not be able to set aside an evening to meet, but to talk on the phone or through video conferencing for a while fits in much easier! (Jeff)

WE NEED YOU!!! We have regular requests from all over the United States from individuals and couples who want to be discipled but there is no one in their area. God wants to use what you have learned to help others!!!

TAKE A 'TEST DRIVE"... if you would like to see how it works, I will set up a personal video conference with you, help you get things set up on your computer and experience it first hand. If you are available to try Distance Discipling, please contact me right away - watch how God will use you to impact lives all around the world!!!

Contact me to "take a test drive"


My God is Awesome!!! Update from Umar

Glory to God in the highest!!! It is with joy that I write to inform you that I have been discharged from the hospital the second time. Now my wife drives me to the hospital daily for dressing.

As you are aware, is now six months since I fall sick with diabetes and threat of amputation. But in answers to prayers, my diabetes is now under control (usually the reading is mostly 89 to 110). As if that is not enough, the threat of amputating my leg is no longer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Obviously, God still has some work for the two legs. I am deeply grateful.

My wound is almost completely healed and about ready for grafting perhaps in few weeks the Lord willing. Likewise, the external fixtures on my leg meant for the fracture I sustained, is now on its tenth week and should be remove in the next three weeks (I can’t wait).

Needless to say, staying in private hospital for this long has been very expensive. Can you believe, for these six months (December 25 to May 7) we were given a bill of ($9,000) nine thousand dollars. And in God’s mercy He laid it on the heart of my church leaders to set aside a Sunday when second offering was collected to offset the bill. The second offering was generously collected in about 48 churches and as God will have it close to seven thousand dollars was realized ($7,000). However, I still need to see a vascular surgeon at some point, who will check my leg to ensure there is a good blood flow. If not, I may still need a surgery in the future.

Moreover, our four children have all gone back to school after their holiday. My wife and I were actually wondering how to pay their school fees when elders of church said “we have taking care of that”. How gracious and thoughtful of them.

Finally, a physiotherapist is helping learn how to walk. The process is painful, so am very slow. But guess what?! I am determined to take the bull by the horn and walk to the church, take up the pulpit and preach this Sunday on a sitting position.

God is good all the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for your prayers and friendship. Will love to hear from you when you get a chance. And please thank God for giving me my wife, she is a treasure!!


Are You Answering the Call?

Through the original call to the disciples we have all been commissioned to "make disciples." Although Jesus did not present Denniethis as a suggestion to only those who were really serious about His kingdom, many of us today see making disciples as an option:

  • "I'm too busy"
  • "I don't feel qualified"
  • "What if they have problems I don't know how to address"
  • "It is not my gift - it is just not my thing"
  • "I am already involved in ministry"

What thoughts do you have when you think about discipling someone?

We asked Dennie a couple of questions about this topic - Read more here...

Why should we make a priority of discipling?


God's mission and mandate to "make disciples" is given to all believers. Jesus' last instructions before his ascension into heaven was not given as an option. We are to go forth in obedience under Jesus' authority and impart God's commands to others. Jesus role-modeled His mission in His earthly existence. Although he discipled in large groups, the majority of his ministry was directed toward twelve men for three years and within this group, he focused on an inner circle of just three. His role-modeling was then reproduced in His apostles and disciples: Barnabus discipled Paul; Paul discipled Titus, Timothy, and the Ephesian elders.

The scriptural blueprint and the model to facilitate changed lives is intimate discipleship. God can certainly use large and small group discipleship to affect change, but the most significant changes generally take place in one-on-one, accountability relationships.

What are some of the common reasons people share why they aren't involved in discipling?

Dennie: Here are the top five most common responses I hear from people.

1. I'm not equipped

This sense of inadequacy creates fear of sharing one's life with someone else. There is often a fear that because you won't know how to relate to their circumstance and therefore, won't know what to say. Paul tells us that God "...comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction." (2 Cor. 1:4) Even though we have never experienced the same situation. We can't limit ourselves to the experience. What relates us ALL together is the pain and suffering we each have experienced. We are united by pointing people to the comfort Christ can offer in the midst of pain. You should not limit God working in his use of us to only limit it to our experience.

God says you're inadequate and that He makes you adequate. (2 Cor 3:5-6) If you have been discipled you are equipped. There are tools available to you and other disciplers who can coach you; there is a framework around you.

2. Too frightening, too risky

God told Joshua "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."

God says we are not to be frightened. In Ps. 56:4 David shares his perspective on fear: "In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can flesh do to me?"

We are often relying on self instead of relying on God.You will often need to move out of your comfort zone and walk by faith and not by sight.

3. It's not my gift

Making disciples is a mandate given to all believers and is a command not an option. You may have gifts that enhance your ability to disciple but you are not limited in discipling by your unique spiritual gifts.

4. I'm too busy-my focus is on my schedule, my family and my work

The command to "make disciples" would not be given if it would cause you to violate other biblical priorities. What are you spending time on? What are your priorities besides God's priorities? Our schedules are often filled with activities that build idols - things that may be good things but things that are not God's priorities. You may need to take the time to examine you're your priorities are and whether they are really God's priority for your life.

5. I don't want to get involved or be inconvenienced.

In reality that says "I don't care about those that are suffering around me." God sees love as more important than many other gifts and activities. You can do a lot of things, but if you fail to love "it profits me nothing." (1 Cor 13:1-3)

Our lack of love may be an evidence of a hardened Heart in response to the needy around us. The overarching reason is often simply our selfishness.

Do women have a unique role in "making disciples?"

Dennie: God specifically gives the older women a mission and mandate in Titus 2: train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God. Before your CTO discipler got involved in your life, how many of you were mentored by an older woman? In America today, the older women have largely rejected this mandate, leaving destruction of marriages and families in the Church in the wake of their apathy, unconcern and lack of involvement in the lives of the young women. Since all believers are commanded to go and make disciples, the mantle of the Titus 2 mandate has fallen on all women. You must take up the mantle! There is always someone younger than you in the Body of Christ to be encouraged to love her husband, her children, etc

The scriptural blueprint and the model of discipleship is in a intimate relationship which is done through the context of time, relationship, and sacrifice.

Paul modeled this with the believers in Thessalonica: "So, being affectionately desirous of you, we were ready to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves, because you had become very dear to us. (1 Thess. 2:8). We encourage you to answer "the call to make disciples!" We have provided a number of tools and resources to assist you in discipling others in our study, The Christian: Called to Disciple available in the "discipling tools" section of our webpage.

Click here to download "Intimate Discipleship"

and learn more about God's call on your life

to make disciples.