
Tom and Dennie Update - Sept Newsletter


Tom and Dennie Update - September 2012

Dear Friends,

Thanks so much for your continued prayers for our recovery! We have now passed Month Four since Dennie’s fall and surgery and nearly that for mine. We are presently in Prescott, AZ, which is about an hour and a half from Phoenix and 20 degrees cooler...a welcome relief from the torrid heat!  We are thankful for friends who have offered their guest house to us.   

Dennie has been working diligently on some new studies about God’s Kingdom and one called, Loving Your Enemies. As she writes in pencil, I am trying to follow her notes and changes to enter in the computer, along with using my amateur editing skills.

Dennie’s recovery has been delayed as she waits on God to heal her broken baby toe on her good foot…a happening from 2 1/2 months ago, resulting in having to wear one of those shoe-boot contraptions for a long time already and for at least two more weeks. (God does have a sense of humor!) The wee toe is in a slow healing process and hopefully, surgery will be avoided.   The metal pieces that converge in her ankle have required lots of physical therapy to get the ankle flexible, and she is now able to hobble limited distances unaided and to drive again!  There will be more PT to come when the toe situation is resolved.  Waiting on God is always a patience teacher.

My heart, as far as I can tell, is totally repaired. God is very gracious!  I am hobbling too and need to have surgery on both my hips for advancing arthritis.  I am in a holding pattern waiting for more time after my surgery and for Dennie’s recovery so she can be my nurse and have extended time on her feet.  I am not looking forward to being put to sleep again.  Oh, the things we take for granted when our parts are working well!  God continues to teach us lessons of humility through the aging process.  And we continue to be grateful to you for your concern and prayers!

Limping along in His love,

Tom and Dennie, too 

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