
Chuck Oltman

"I am excited about seeing discipleship continue to become a fundamental piece of church ministry." 

Chuck has been married to his wife, Isabel, for 36 years. They have four grown children and six grandchildren, with another one on the way!!  

After retiring from the Air Force and becoming a commercial pilot, Chuck recently completed his M.Div. in Leadership Development at Phoenix Seminary.  During this time he helped plant Soma Bible Church in Glendale, AZ, where he serves as an Elder, shares in the preaching, leads a gospel community and is involved in discipleship and leadership development.   In his "spare time"  he oversees the curriculum development for CTO.  Chuck has given many hours of his personal time to designing and formatting the Three-Part Discipleship series.

How has CTO personally impacted you?

When Randy and Janet took us through CTO in 2004, I saw fruit in 2 areas: 
  • Our marriage improved as God dealt with some longstanding areas where I had been claiming my "rights".
  • It deepened my understanding of the process of sanctification and the importance of forgiveness in that process-especially as it reflected my understanding of God's grace in my life and His forgiveness of me.
I have also seen other people grow in their personal walk with God and in their marriage as they deal with issues of control and forgiveness.

What excites you about CTO and CTO's future?

I am excited about seeing discipleship continue to become a fundamental piece of church ministry.  CTO can play a significant role in building discipleship into the DNA of the local church. It is not just a counseling program or a bible study to take people through, but a process that truly helps people to live lives that grow in Christlikeness and bring great glory to Him!!!!!

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