
Lisa D'Alesio

"I used to think of God's power and limits through my point of view.  
Now I've begun to realize that He has no borders."

Lisa D
Lisa, who is a native to Arizona, has been married to Matt for 27 years and has two daughters, 19 & 16.
In addition to discipling a number of women, Lisa and Matt have discipled couples and have worked with crisis marriages using "Setting Your Marriage On A Biblical Course."
Lisa also serves the Phoenix area by finding available disciplers for those who desire to be discipled.  She has been a board member of CTO since 2005 and serves as Secretary of our ministry. She has been one of the key people in planning and hosting the National Conferences. 

When asked how CTO has personally impacted her, she said...

CTO has deepened my understanding of my rights, or maybe as to the rights I really don't have."  I was significantly impacted by the reality that "I deserve to burn in hell and anything less than that is a pretty good day."  This perspective helps me to narrow my expectations of life from the worldly perspective I once had. 
Also, I've learned that there are no borders on the limits to the power of God.  I used to think of God's power and limits through my point of view.  Now I've begun to realize that He has no borders.  I have a new appreciation for the sovereignty of God and how vast He is.

Prior to CTO I did not have a full perspective or grasp of God's design of forgiveness and its importance throughout His Word.  Walking others through forgiveness helped me to come to a greater understanding and a growing personal experience of the power of forgiveness. 

Lisa has seen CTO impact others too.
I used to think that "doing life", was when I was "doing life" with like-minded people.   Now I have come to a better understanding with a broader perspective, that "doing life" is relative in all aspects of my life, people, community, etc. We don't have it mastered but I have seen God use intimate personal relationships to soften people's hearts to what God wanted to teach them.  One gal comes to mind...I was discipling her through forgiving her husband.  The gal did not see how she could forgive him.  As we worked through God's word on forgiveness, her heart was softened.  She began to understand that she must forgive and that it's not an option.  She said, "I just really need to deal with it, right?  So let's work through it!"  Not that it was easy, but it was what needed to be done and experienced in order to begin to grasp the power of God.

What about CTO excites you the most?  The personal stories... when people share their life stories. Everyone has a story but when we bring it down to the heartbeat of God we all have a great story.

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