
Tom and Dennie in Prescott

Christmas Greetings from

Tom and Dennie at their new home in Prescott!

       250 Lakewood Circle
              Prescott, AZ 

"My grace is sufficient for you."  Sometimes God's undeserved grace whispers, but in 2012, it descended upon us with great shouts of blessing!  On April 22nd, Dennie fell while hiking in Austria, shattering two leg bones.  God's providing grace: through an excellent Austrian surgeon, 5 days in a hospital there and dear Austrian and German Christian friends who cared for all our attending needs!

 Arriving home on May 2nd after a memorable 15-hour trip in a cast and having to have her leg elevated during the flights (another story of God's grace), Tom checked himself into the ER on May 3rd because of pressure in his shoulders.  He did not return home for 10 days since he had a 5-artery bypass, open-heart surgery on May 7th.  God's intervening grace: to save his life!

With Dennie completely immobilized and Tom hospitalized, our local church home (Soma Bible), the CTOers of Phoenix, and family members cared for her and then both of us during our long recovery and rehab.  So many prayed, sent cards and called, extending words of encouragement.  God’s comforting, caring grace: in action through family, friends and the body of Christ!

Unable to get to our upstairs bedroom for a very long time and knowing that Tom is facing two hip replacement surgeries (now bone-on-bone in both hips) and Dennie had broken two toes on her “good” foot, (surgery needed for one; soft cast for the other), we saw the need to move to a one-story dwelling before our next surgeries.  We decided to leave the heat and congestion of the metro area and move to the cooler, quieter town of Prescott, AZ, located a couple hours north of Phoenix…a place where the CTO ministry is thriving in two churches.  Within weeks this fall, we bought a new abode and sold our house.  God’s enabling grace: on the move!

Our church and other friends became the hands and feet of Jesus to transport us up the mountain to our special new home on November 21st.  God’s loving grace: through the prayers, time and energy of the saints!  And for the two of us, His strengthening and sustaining grace: to press on while literally limping, weak and weary! (2 Cor. 12:9,10)

Merry Christmas!  No matter what your circumstances, may you see and savor God’s outpouring of grace in this season and in the coming year.

Tom and Dennie



God heals marriages!!

Randy, today I write this letter to you because I am overly grateful for God's love, mercy and forgiveness. 

You see, about 6 months ago, I was facing the strong desire to separate from my husband because I couldn't stand him, didn't love him and was pretty much disgusted by him.  This feeling was nothing new to me because throughout our 6 year marriage, I have felt this way that has resulted in me filing for divorce two times and asking him to leave a handful of times.  We have had a rocky road to say the least and most of our family and friends know it...I always had a strong feeling of hate, bitterness and entitlement issues that I deserved better and that God didn't really want me to be married to this man.  I was in control of my life and even though I thought I loved God, acted like it, I would still result in negative and hateful behaviors toward my husband and shamefully towards our 5 year old son. 

We have some very amazing and Godly friends who have been a part of our lives through T-ball, church, etc...who have always reached out and in their own special way let us know they were there for us no matter what.  So, when I was feeling the strong desire to get "rid" of my husband, I thought I cannot feel good about myself until I talk to them and share with them all that he has done wrong against me and what a lousy husband he is.  To my surprise, the entire dinner was about how much God loves both of us and has a better plan for our lives.  It was still hard to believe it at that moment but I know I was getting the best advice I could ever get:   God is in control and we must surrender to his plan and then we will be overwhelmed with love, joy and happiness!  Such a wonderful idea but still not something I was ready to jump into...I still had ALL these issues that they didn't even address in our meeting.  They didn't even want to hear about all my issues with my husband.  It sent me home with alot to think (and pray) about. 

So, about two weeks later, these same friends met with both my husband and me and suggested we go through CTO and that they would be more than happy to meet with us every other week to go through it. I was interested but I told them I didn't have 6-9 months to stay with my husband and was very reluctant to do a "bible study" that would be just like all the others I have done.   Until the first week when I started reading God's word and really feeling a sense of peace, love and a great sense of forgiveness. I remember calling my friend and telling her how overwhelmed I felt and how amazing God's word really is! 

So, here we are about 3 months into this "bible study" and I will tell you I have never known God this way, even though I was a believer my whole life. I have learned he has a perfect plan for our lives and his timing is perfect.  He puts us through trials so we will become more like him and he is with us all the time!  I now know God put us together for a reason and I have started to feel a love for him that I have never felt before.  It isn't perfect but at least that strong negative desire to remove him from my life is gone. We are a different couple now and God is continuing to do a good work in us.  We are even considering adoption of a 3 year old family member who has no father and the mother is in prison for drugs. 
We are a different couple now 
and God is continuing to do a good work in us.

Talking to a friend the other night, he said you know, it is truly a miracle to see where God has brought you two because six months ago, this would never have been possible.

We live daily for the Lord and pray his will be done in our lives.  We still have a long way to go, but with changed hearts and a renewed spirit, I think--I know--we will be ok and stay married through the good and the bad.  I now have a strong desire to be the very best wife and mother and to show them love and patience.  I see the good in him and thank God for who he is. 

God is so wonderful and is doing a good work in us.  We are so grateful for our friends who have believed in us and have prayed for us and it is all because of His love that we are able to write this letter to you today.  We both feel we are open to God's plan and can't wait to see what the future brings!

Praise God from whom all blessings flow! 

Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. 

Lisa D'Alesio

"I used to think of God's power and limits through my point of view.  
Now I've begun to realize that He has no borders."

Lisa D
Lisa, who is a native to Arizona, has been married to Matt for 27 years and has two daughters, 19 & 16.
In addition to discipling a number of women, Lisa and Matt have discipled couples and have worked with crisis marriages using "Setting Your Marriage On A Biblical Course."
Lisa also serves the Phoenix area by finding available disciplers for those who desire to be discipled.  She has been a board member of CTO since 2005 and serves as Secretary of our ministry. She has been one of the key people in planning and hosting the National Conferences. 

When asked how CTO has personally impacted her, she said...

CTO has deepened my understanding of my rights, or maybe as to the rights I really don't have."  I was significantly impacted by the reality that "I deserve to burn in hell and anything less than that is a pretty good day."  This perspective helps me to narrow my expectations of life from the worldly perspective I once had. 
Also, I've learned that there are no borders on the limits to the power of God.  I used to think of God's power and limits through my point of view.  Now I've begun to realize that He has no borders.  I have a new appreciation for the sovereignty of God and how vast He is.

Prior to CTO I did not have a full perspective or grasp of God's design of forgiveness and its importance throughout His Word.  Walking others through forgiveness helped me to come to a greater understanding and a growing personal experience of the power of forgiveness. 

Lisa has seen CTO impact others too.
I used to think that "doing life", was when I was "doing life" with like-minded people.   Now I have come to a better understanding with a broader perspective, that "doing life" is relative in all aspects of my life, people, community, etc. We don't have it mastered but I have seen God use intimate personal relationships to soften people's hearts to what God wanted to teach them.  One gal comes to mind...I was discipling her through forgiving her husband.  The gal did not see how she could forgive him.  As we worked through God's word on forgiveness, her heart was softened.  She began to understand that she must forgive and that it's not an option.  She said, "I just really need to deal with it, right?  So let's work through it!"  Not that it was easy, but it was what needed to be done and experienced in order to begin to grasp the power of God.

What about CTO excites you the most?  The personal stories... when people share their life stories. Everyone has a story but when we bring it down to the heartbeat of God we all have a great story.

Chuck Oltman

"I am excited about seeing discipleship continue to become a fundamental piece of church ministry." 

Chuck has been married to his wife, Isabel, for 36 years. They have four grown children and six grandchildren, with another one on the way!!  

After retiring from the Air Force and becoming a commercial pilot, Chuck recently completed his M.Div. in Leadership Development at Phoenix Seminary.  During this time he helped plant Soma Bible Church in Glendale, AZ, where he serves as an Elder, shares in the preaching, leads a gospel community and is involved in discipleship and leadership development.   In his "spare time"  he oversees the curriculum development for CTO.  Chuck has given many hours of his personal time to designing and formatting the Three-Part Discipleship series.

How has CTO personally impacted you?

When Randy and Janet took us through CTO in 2004, I saw fruit in 2 areas: 
  • Our marriage improved as God dealt with some longstanding areas where I had been claiming my "rights".
  • It deepened my understanding of the process of sanctification and the importance of forgiveness in that process-especially as it reflected my understanding of God's grace in my life and His forgiveness of me.
I have also seen other people grow in their personal walk with God and in their marriage as they deal with issues of control and forgiveness.

What excites you about CTO and CTO's future?

I am excited about seeing discipleship continue to become a fundamental piece of church ministry.  CTO can play a significant role in building discipleship into the DNA of the local church. It is not just a counseling program or a bible study to take people through, but a process that truly helps people to live lives that grow in Christlikeness and bring great glory to Him!!!!!


Tom and Dennie Update - Sept Newsletter


Tom and Dennie Update - September 2012

Dear Friends,

Thanks so much for your continued prayers for our recovery! We have now passed Month Four since Dennie’s fall and surgery and nearly that for mine. We are presently in Prescott, AZ, which is about an hour and a half from Phoenix and 20 degrees cooler...a welcome relief from the torrid heat!  We are thankful for friends who have offered their guest house to us.   

Dennie has been working diligently on some new studies about God’s Kingdom and one called, Loving Your Enemies. As she writes in pencil, I am trying to follow her notes and changes to enter in the computer, along with using my amateur editing skills.

Dennie’s recovery has been delayed as she waits on God to heal her broken baby toe on her good foot…a happening from 2 1/2 months ago, resulting in having to wear one of those shoe-boot contraptions for a long time already and for at least two more weeks. (God does have a sense of humor!) The wee toe is in a slow healing process and hopefully, surgery will be avoided.   The metal pieces that converge in her ankle have required lots of physical therapy to get the ankle flexible, and she is now able to hobble limited distances unaided and to drive again!  There will be more PT to come when the toe situation is resolved.  Waiting on God is always a patience teacher.

My heart, as far as I can tell, is totally repaired. God is very gracious!  I am hobbling too and need to have surgery on both my hips for advancing arthritis.  I am in a holding pattern waiting for more time after my surgery and for Dennie’s recovery so she can be my nurse and have extended time on her feet.  I am not looking forward to being put to sleep again.  Oh, the things we take for granted when our parts are working well!  God continues to teach us lessons of humility through the aging process.  And we continue to be grateful to you for your concern and prayers!

Limping along in His love,

Tom and Dennie, too 

Stories of Grace


  “Mary Smith on the school bus, Jr. High.”  I was stunned...

This summer I was meeting with my discipler and we were covering Confessing Sin and Reconciling Relationships.  As I got more into the study on Reconciling Relationships one of the questions was, what steps are involved in preparing for reconciliation?  It then covered what do to when you are aware of your sin against another: die to self, forgive the person in prayer, take responsibility for your own sin and then confess to the Lord any fears in seeking forgiveness.  The other step was how to prepare when you are NOT aware of how you have sinned against another.   So, I prayed for the Lord to show me where I had/have sinned against another and was not aware of what I had done, or if I had justified what I had done and stuffed it.  As I prayed and sought the Lord, He spoke to me very clearly, “Mary Smith on the school bus, Jr. High.”  I was stunned.  Read more...

I then thought back nearly 47 years ago to a girl, my age, who rode the school bus and was taunted daily by others for most of the ride from her home to school.  She was not attractive, always had a bad hair day, frumpy, bad teeth, glasses – certainly not as “perfect” as the rest of us.  Though I was never a part of the group that taunted her, I was also never her friend.  I was fearful that if I became her friend or stood up for her that I would get the same treatment or worse and in Jr. High that was just not something I wanted.  As I now prayed, I realized that even as a child, the sin was PRIDE
  • my fear of rejection and of exposure by others,
  • my sin of self-protection as I tried to minimize my own behavior in my treatment of Mary
  • my wanting to avoid conflict and of being judgmental in how she looked compared to myself and others,
  • my putting self before God and others.

I went to church and had accepted Christ as a child and deep down I knew that this behavior was not acceptable, but I felt helpless to do anything about it – fear and pride had me.  I rode the bus with her for three years and though I may have offered her a seat on the bus, I never offered to be her friend.  Now as I continued to weep and pray before the Lord, I prayed that if given the opportunity to be her friend, this time I would be and would seek forgiveness for not being a friend to her 47 years ago.  I told the Lord, “I don’t know whatever happened to her, if she is alive or dead or where she lives, but I know that you know all about her and if you will allow our paths to cross, I will be her friend.”   

In the late summer, I volunteered to lead a group of 9-10 other women who would meet once a month for fellowship and building relationships.  I was given a list with the names of my nine ladies prior to our first get together.  We met that night and of my group of 10, four of the ladies were not able to attend.  I called those four the next day and left a voicemail message telling them that I would be the person leading their group and where and when our next time together would be.  One lady, Mary Edwards, called me back several days later saying she was unable to make the meeting but would be coming in October.  I told her I had a card for her to complete and how could I get it to her.  As I was in the choir I could meet with her after church that coming Sunday.  She told me she was in the choir and that I could give it to her at our Wednesday night practice.  Great!  We’d look for each other on Wednesday.  I didn’t see the person that I saw in the pictorial book, so I asked the lady in front of me if she knew who Mary Edwards was and she whispered to me, she is 2 people down from you.  I sat back and nonchalantly looked that way and she was looking at me.  I said “Mary?” and she shook her head.  I gave her the card and told her I would meet her after choir practice. 

When rehearsal was over I waited for her and as she was next to me I introduced myself to her.  As I spoke to her I looked into her eyes and when she opened her mouth to speak I knew who it was – it was Mary Smith!  I knew the voice and I “saw” her!!  But I was confused as she apparently was single and her name was Mary Edwards.  I touched her arm and asked with a shaky voice, “What was your name before Edwards?”  She replied, “Mary Smith.”  I had tears welling in my eyes for she had no idea what God had just done!  I gave her a hug and said, “We went to school together; we rode on the same bus”.  She asked what my name was and I told her and she smiled and said that she remembered me.  We spoke a bit more and then we left to go home.  I was beside myself as I drove the 20 minute trip home.  I laughed, I cried, I praised God!  It was 47 years ago…I am convicted of my sin this summer…God brings her into my life in the fall…we go to the same church…we sing in the choir…both altos…God knew.

My CTO workbook noted that for reconciling relationship “if you don’t have any way to contact the offended party, pray for a means to find that person.  God knows where he or she is”.  Yes, He certainly does!  God gave me her name in the early summer and knew then where she was and what He was about to do.  I had been going to church with her since January but He never let me “see her” until I heard her voice and then God removed the veil from my eyes.

She and I have met now a few times and have talked.  I told her that she was not going to understand, but I wanted to ask her forgiveness for not being her friend on the bus, for allowing my self-protection and fear, my sin, to keep me from being there for her.  She told me that I had never caused her any hurt and that it wasn’t necessary for me to ask for her forgiveness.  I shared with her that even as a young person, I knew that what was happening was not right and my fear of rejection and my own pride, sin, kept me from standing by her and I was sorry and asked again for her forgiveness.  She gave it.  She then wanted to know how all of this came about and so I shared with her the story and how God answered my prayer.

As I begin to study and read God’s Word, I always pray a verse that was shared with me years ago from Psalm 119:18  - “Open my eyes, that I may behold (see) wondrous things in your law (word).  I did not see that happening at first, but over time, the Lord has been so faithful to show me truths from His Word.  Psalm 119:130 says, “The unfolding of your Word gives light, and imparts wisdom to the simple.”  His Word is truth and I have seen Him respond to a prayer that though sincere, a part of me truly didn’t think it could ever happen.  I am in awe of Him as I mediate on what He has done and how my prayer was answered.  He reminds me, “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” (Gen 18:14)


Lake City Conference 2012

Take a look at some of our photos...

Randy and Jamie obviously enjoying God's Splendor!


DS3 Part 3 Introduction

Part 3                        
The Gospel and Our Relationship With God
Randy profile 1
Every problem you create in your life is the result of a wrong view of God or a wrong view of the gospel. You must lay a new foundation of thinking biblically about God. More than just knowing the facts about Him, you must know Him relationally and experientially.

That is why CTO is based on the truths that God is great, 
gracious, good and glorious

In Part Three: The Gospel and Our Relationship With God you will examine your view of God and establish what is necessary to continue walking with Him in His power with His resources. As you gain understanding of what it means to walk with God on His terms, you will also identify the many perceived rights, which may have become your demands.  Read more here... 
Download the introductions to all three parts of our discipling series by clicking on the titles.

Part One:
The Story of the Gospel

Part Two:
The Implications of the Gospel

Part Three:
The God of the Gospel